The New Industry Research Organization (NIRO)
PIIF supporting local govt. and SMEs
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Company Profile:
The New Industry Research Organization (NIRO) is an incorporated foundationengaged in businesses such as
1. R&D of new technologies and new products through collaborations betweenindustry, academia, and government;
2. Transferring advanced technology developed by organizations such as universitiesand private-sectors to regional corporations; and
3. Cultivating highly competitive small and mid-size fi rms (SMEs), entrepreneurs, and thelike through training and technology support.
The New Industry Research Organization (NIRO), a public interest incorporatedfoundation, was established in 1997 as a collaboration between regional corporationsand local governments to promote recovery from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Quake.
Year of Establishment:
Name of Representative Director (CEO):
Minoru Makimura
Number of Empoyees:
Paid-in Capital:
Annual Turnover:
Location of Headquarters (Country):
Location of Offices/Facilities (Country):
JIS Q 9100:2016, Nadcap (WLD, NM, CP, NDT, CMSP, CT, MTL)
Main Customers:
MHI, KHI, IHI, SUBARU, SMIC, NIPPI, Kobelco, SPP, Nabtesco, Sinfonia, Tamagawa, JAXA, MOD/JSDF
Main Products:
Aero engine parts, Airframe parts, Aerospace equipment parts