Manufacturing of bedding and textile products
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Company Profile:

Founded in 1566, the company began selling futons in 1887, and is currently a bedding manufacturer. Working with the Japan Sleep Science Institute, which opened in 1984, and a variety of experts in beauty, anti-aging, and brain science, the company is working to clarify the effects of good quality sleep and provide products and services that meet the different "expectations for tomorrow" of each individual. In recent years, the company has expanded its "Sleep Consultation Center®," which provides advice on improving the sleep environment. In addition, the company is developing a "sleep solution" business that solves sleep problems in various fields, utilizing the knowledge of the Japan Sleep Science Institute and the know-how it has accumulated over the years. In order to contribute to well-being, the company is proposing new office solutions that utilize sleep tech that contributes to health management, and promoting activities aimed at improving the working environment and avoiding economic losses due to lack of sleep and sleep disorders. The company aims to create a healthy and prosperous society by providing facilities and organizations with innovative products and services, such as high-quality, high-performance bedding, measurement tools that visualize sleep issues, and consulting by sleep professionals.

Year of Establishment:
Name of Representative Director (CEO):
Tatsushi Sugano
Number of Empoyees:
Paid-in Capital:
Location of Headquarters (Country):
Location of Offices/Facilities (Country):
Main Customers:
Nishikawa rebec company
Nishikawa Rose company
Nishikawa company
Main Products:
Conversion Manufacturing of textile products

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